Changing Times

Renan Nogueira
3 min readDec 1, 2020

Revolutions have always constructed human’s history and demonstrated to be an important step toward progress. Nevertheless, the unusual year of 2020 tried to bring a different situation that transformed or maybe it will transform our way of life invariably. In this scenario, if the extensive quarantine period lived over these eight months were not enough, what we see in this period was an intense mobilization by society in the face of neglect of healthy and the intense panorama of changes. Be it labor, economic or social, it affected and transformed our society day-by-day , exposing to us all the fragility of humans issues. Based on that, what will happen to us after this period?

At the first moment, we have seen that labor relations in an economically fragile country have led companies to create ways to sustain the bills and budgets. For that reason, we have seen the adaptability of our bed to become nothing more than … our office desk! Of course, at first time nothing would be more pleasant than the extra 5 minutes in bed becoming over 8 months — or not — . However, what would be so pleasant, in practice, can be a real problem, because a reclusive work routine (or a life) could not only affect the way labor relations take place, but also develop health issues like anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, burnout, but, also suicide attempts. The fact is, the home office will be stimulated from now and we are just thinking about the benefits that an introverted person would feel in not see his boss face, but forgetting the opposite side and the signs of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and confinement on mental health.

On the other hand, if before the pandemic the speed, the dynamism, the search for innovation and the thirst for knowledge, change and achievements suffocated us to the point of thinking that we would not handle, today we have what we lacked: Time. We have learned to deal with the various facets of this, either by idleness or by anxiety (look at it) of seeing a solution to the pandemic come or even by will of meet those who time has separated of us. The case is, with the pandemic, we learn to value our social relations, to stop associating time with production and to return to a more hedonistic thinking. And if it wasn’t enough to take advantage, we saw another beneficiary of time: The world. With the reflective pause that the pandemic forced us to have, we were able to see in practice the nature action that, if previously we would see a hard and massive traffic emitting carbonic gas taking place, now the reconstruction and invasion of life reverberates in cities with the imminent reappearance of vegetation and animal life . With that, certainly our way to face the time and mainly the way we saw world’s life is going to change.

In sums, the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus not only turned the year 2020 but left marks that promise to last. This is because with the period of reclusion provided to us, we have been able not only to reconsider our way of working, but also to submit in practice of them and enjoy their benefits and to consider their permanence. In addition, we were able to brake human imposition by the thirst for productivity and to rethink the time, human relations and life in the world as a whole. In fact, there is no way of knowing what will happen after this long period, but with all due reason, certainly we will see undeniables changes in world and we will see it as an important event of strengthening and reconditioning of human history.

